Private Yoga Classes

Individual Yoga Sessions

We support busy people with demanding lives to create routines that are sustainable to support long-term health.

  • Enjoy a session that is distraction free from other students, where you can focus on your own practice.
  • Experience a yoga style and sequence tailored to your physical, mental and emotional needs, where we can answer any questions you may have.
  • A private yoga lesson is a great way to find a stronger understanding of your yoga practice, and move at a pace that is best suited for you.
  • Receive personal attention and individualised instruction.

Private Yoga Group Sessions

Schedule a regular private yoga class, or organise yoga party for your next special event!

Prices of our private yoga classes vary depending on the number of participants, date/time, length of class, location, and any extras you may need (mats, aroma oils, etc.)

A minimum of a month advance notice is strongly encouraged for booking a private yoga event.

Please have a look at our ‘Pricing’ page for options, or message us below, so we can create a bespoke service around your needs. 

How this works

Choosing a yoga teacher you’d like to work with may prove a difficult and costly business. There are many types of yoga, multiplied by the individual teaching style of every teacher. And of course, it is best if you like the person you are working with! 

At Yoga Tribe Scotland we offer a FREE Initial Consultation. This may be over a phone, ZOOM, but we are equally happy to meet at a Studio, or for a cuppa (best be it hot choc!)

The Initial Consultation takes roughly 40 mins. We get to ask you questions about your general health, goals and needs. But this meeting is also for you. You get to ask us about our credentials, agree the type and layout of the sessions, but also judge whether you’d like to work with us. In terms of pricing, we are very flexible, but in general Private Yoga is difficult to price due to the individual circumstances of each client. For instance; some clients like us to travel to their location, some like online sessions, some prefer shorter, early morning tuition, and some just prefer a private, weekend retreat.

Please message us below, so we can create a bespoke service focusing on  your needs, goals whilst tailoring to your requirements and circumstances. 

 And yes, it is a cuppa of delicious, organic, dark chocolate in the photo.

Book your private yoga session